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Little Known BUT Big Results: Kicking Drills

IIntroducing new hardcore kicking drills into your MMA workout routine can not only improve your kicking ability, but your flexibility and strength and can be a great addition to your cardio workout regime as well. As opposed to many kicking drills or training, try devoting yourself to a 45 minute nonstop kicking workout one day a week. This will not only leave your legs trembling and burning and wanting to curl up the fetal position for the next half a day, but will help you develop amazing stamina for UFC style rounds and improve your power and speed.

Make sure you commit yourself to a 100%, all out high intensity workout session. This works even better if you can do this with a training partner who can be there to push you through the temptation to stop and rest. The more types of kicks you can incorporate into these training drills, the more of your muscles you will work and more moves your body will commit to muscle memory for use in the heat of a fight.

Try incorporating front kicks, side kicks, sweeps, round houses, spin kicks, butterfly kicks, axe kicks, jumping kicks and crescent kicks. You can also add in some knee strikes to break up the routine now and again. You will possibly find crescent kicks the toughest part of these kicking drills. Use both inner and outer crescent kicks to a target, preferably at least head height.

All exercises should be completed back to back without a break, making for an incredible cardio session. Each type of kick should be completed in a gym style set for maximum effectiveness. For example, for crescent kicks; you should do at least 50 reps (kicks) for both inner and outer kicks and with both legs. All these exercises can be just as effective without hitting padded targets or heavy bags. Try paper or clapper targets instead.

If this still isn't enough to wear you out then you can add in some kick combos for practicing some real life techniques. And for the true warrior, finish the hour off by doing some sparring, but only using legs and kicks, no hands.

Tony Mills is the Chief Editor of online Content for The MMA Zone. Tony is an expert in the field of martial arts training and conditioning.

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Kung Fu: Shaolin's Invincible Floor-Sweep 

 The 'Iron Broom'!


The Shaolin Temple's 72 Secret Fighting Exercises or 'Kungs' involve dramatic training extremes which, if persisted with, deliver astonishing results. 'Iron-Broom' Arts develops bodily stability, both when still and moving, and an irresistible floor-sweeping kick capable of uprooting multiple opponents. Details of the training methods and the three key stages involved follow.


The 72 Kungs can be classified as: Yin/Yang, Gang/Rou (Hard/ Soft), Internal/External and Power/Energy Training in nature. They usually fall into one of two categories: either Yin Rou Internal Energy Training or Yang Gang External Power Training Exercises (although a few embody characteristics of both).

Various accounts of the whole 72 exist and, whilst there are slight differences between equally respectable authorities over minor details of description and method, the overall level of agreement as to their essential nature and purpose is remarkable.

Technical Analysis

Shaolin 'Iron Broom' or Tie Sao Zhou, also known as 'Iron Legs Kung', is a Yang/Gang Hard External Power-Training Exercise. This considerably strengthens the thighs and adds concentrated power to the legs. Leg power has tremendous importance in combat, having numerous advantages over fist-thrusting: Kicks can attack opponents' legs, midriff or upper body; legs are longer and stronger than arms; they can startle opponents-Master Sun's (Sun Tzu) 'Art of War' advocates 'Surprise attacks...whenever or wherever the enemy is unprepared.' Legs can launch these. Iron-Broom Arts is particularly effective as a counter-attack, with the unwary victim often taken completely by surprise and dumped on their back-side unceremoniously.

Shaolin maxims confirm legs' combat advantages:

'Kung Fu beginners without legs are like trees without roots, swayed by the wind';

'Power-fists 30%: legs 70%';

'Hands protect like two doors, legs beat the opponent';

'Fail to practise leg skills and legs are powerless and slow-one can be easily hurt or beaten by an opponent.'

Tiptoes, heels, soles, plus inner and outer shanks and thighs, are all used towards these ends.


Stage 1 involves lengthy horse- stance (Ma Bu) practice (e.g.up to 2 hours daily) gradually defying feelings of fatigue, extending standing times and shortening rest-periods. This develops leg strength, stability and power considerably.

Next, bury a post firmly at a suitable location or choose a convenient sapling, stand in Ma Bu at an appropriate distance and kneel down on one leg, balancing on the ball of that foot. Place your two palms firmly on the floor and with the other leg stretched out fully, sweep its foot round powerfully until the instep hits the post or sapling forcefully. Repeat the exercise immediately and continue to do so until fatigued.

Initially, the post will not move, merely vibrating as you practice, until, one day, it moves appreciably when struck. Persist until it breaks when swept, get a larger diameter replacement and repeat the exercise.

The final training stage requires a buried bamboo pole. Although light and hollow its flexibility makes this hard to break but persist until you do. Lastly, repeat the exercise on a large tree until it vibrates when struck--if this dis-lodges branches and leaves, you have developed an invincible Iron-Broom!


The three stages described, necessary to acquire Tie Sao Zhou/Iron-Legs Kung, should take approximately three years in all!

Sifu Peter Allsop M.Ed. teaches Shaolin Kung Fu and Qigong in Yorkshire and Derbyshire U.K. With almost 40 years experience he is Shaolin Fists International Area Instructor for this region and Senior Student of Grandmaster Yap Leong.

Trained in the U.K. and China, Peter teaches Changquan ('Longfist') Wu Xing (5 Animals), Wu Tzu (5 Ancestors) Kung Fu and 5 Elements Qigong.

Sheffield Chinese Lion Dance Team Member, he also publishes 'Red Dragon Martial Arts Ezine'.

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Street Fighting Moves - The 4 Pitfalls of High and Aerial Kicks and Why You Should Avoid Them

Let me ask you something. Think of the first time you thought about learning karate or Kung Fu. What is the thing that stands out in your mind that is different were you to have thought about boxing? Yes, you're right! It's the kicks! The kicks are unwittingly the appeal that Asian-style martial arts have for all of us. And what kind of kicks are we talking about? Of course--the HIGH kicks. In fact, the higher the better. If we can do a leaping, spinning back-kick to the face, then we will have indeed achieved martial arts nirvana.

Stop the tape! High and aerial kicks are highly overrated! If you are talking about scoring high points for a tournament or for a martial arts demonstration, then I will have to take back what I say here, but if you are talking about a real life street fight, then we are talking about something totally different. We are talking about reality.

There are 4 pitfalls of doing high and aerial kicks for self defense.

The 4 Pitfalls Of Doing High And Aerial Kicks For Self Defense:

Pitfall To Doing High Kicks #1 - You Will Need To Always Have Extreme Hamstring Flexibility - Maintaining extreme hamstring flexibility is something that is very fleeting and capricious depending on how often you continue to train. Your high kicking flexibility diminishes also with age. When you hit 40 or 50, you will notice a distinct difference. People also have lives and families, even policemen and military personnel can't train all of the time.

Pitfall To Doing High Kicks #2 - You Clothing Particularly Your Pants Determines Your Kicking Height - What is the preferred type of pants most people wear all over the Western world? One word--jeans! If you are in good enough shape to do high kicks, you will want to wear jeans. Tight jeans. Sexy jeans. Jeans that will also prevent you from raising your legs higher than your waist.

Pitfall To Doing High Kicks #3 - High Kicks Are Hard To Land And Are Easily Intercepted - Your leg could be caught by your opponent which means that you could find your leg held tight under his arm while he punches you hard in the groin.

Pitfall To Doing High Kicks #4 - You Can Easily Slip And Fall - Depending on the surface your are standing, a poorly executed high kick to the face can land you on your back if it is icy or wet leaving you vulnerable to be stomped or mounted for a "ground and pound".

The Solution To High Kicks - Become A Master At Low Line Kicking - When I say low line kicking, I mean do not attempt to kick any higher than the waist. The lower the better. Foot stomps, shin kicks, knee kicks--even leg sweeps are much better and much safer than flying to the air like a bird.

And now I'd like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to a 30-minute TeleSeminar Audio on "How To Conquer The Fear of Street Fighting" when you visit:


You will receive 30 minutes of secrets to never again fear any man with fear busting techniques that will work ever time!

From Charles Prosper - The Kung Fu Fighting Guy

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